State Certified Interpreters & translators

Court, Medical & State Administrative Hearings

Awards & Certifications

       Omar Contreras was born in Mexico. He graduated from a private University in Mexico

City where he majored in Marketing and Advertising on a scholarship. Omar has always been an outstanding student both from an early age in his native country as well as in the United States. Languages, reading, and writing have always been his passion in life. Thanks to his bicultural background he has developed a great command of both English and Spanish. He graduated from Golden West College in Huntington Beach on a scholarship award. Later on, he decided to attend the Southern California School of Interpretation to become a Spanish Certified Court Interpreter. In 2013, Omar went on taking the Oral examination set forth by the Judicial Counsel of California as a certified court interpreter. Omar passed the Oral Examination at the first attempt. Although he is a certified court interpreter State law deems Certified Court Interpreters qualified as Administrative Hearing Interpreters and Medical interpreters.   

Omar Contreras-Martinez

Certified Court Interpreter - Spanish

Administrative Office of the Courts

Interpreter Orientation - Working in the California Courts

California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board

Certificate of Completion

Los Angeles Office of the Public Defender

Advanced Criminal Proceedings II

Los Angeles County Bar Association

Certificate of Recognition - Domestic Violence Project 2013

Association of Independent Judicial Interpreters of California

Deposition for New Court Interpreters

Contreras-Martinez & Brady, L.L.C.